The structural characterisation of C-terminal region of EspK was performed by SAXS coupled to an online size exclusion chromatography equilibrated with 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 300 mM NaCl. The data were collected in the bioSAXS beamline B21 at Diamond Light Source, Harwell, United Kingdom. Protein sample consisting of 50 µL at a concentration of 13 mg mL-1 was injected onto a Shodex KW-403 size exclusion column attached to an Agilent HPLC at a flow rate of 0.08 mL min-1. The eluted protein was directed through a 1.6 mm diameter quartz capillary cell held in vacuum. Data acquisition consisted of 580 frames (with 3 s exposure time) using a PILATUS 2M detector at a distance of 4.014 m from the sample. Collected two-dimensional images were corrected for variations in beam current, normalized for time exposure, and processed into one-dimensional scattering curves using GDA and the DAWN software (Diamond Light Source, UK). Background was manually subtracted using the program ScÅtter ( SevERAL ab-inito models were obtained by I-TASSER and next were compared with a low resolution model obtained by GASBOR program (ATSAS)