Human Mucin 2 C-terminal

MUC2 C-terminal protein
Organism: Homo sapiens
Monomeric molecular weight: 120 kDa
Oligomeric state: Dimer
Total molecular weight: 240 kDa
UniProt: Q02817 (4356-5150)

MUC2 is a highly-glycosylated protein of 5150 amino acids. It is involved in mucus formation in the gastrointestinal tract. This data has been collected from the C-terminal region, from amino acid 4356 to 5150 according to NCBI entry MH593786.1; protein ID:AZL49145.1 (Svensson et al. 2018 Sci. Rep.). The construct also presents 30 extra amino acids at the N-terminal from the cloning. This molecule forms a covalent dimer at the C-terminal and presents 13 N-glycans and 5 O-glycans per monomer (in total 36) increasing considerably the molecular weight of the protein.