The structure of the second CysD domain of MUC2 and role in mucin organization by transglutaminase-based cross-linking.

Recktenwald CV, Karlsson G, Garcia-Bonete MJ, Katona G, Jensen M, Lymer R, Bäckström M, Johansson MEV, Hansson GC, Trillo-Muyo S
Cell Rep 43(5):114207 (2024 May 9)
PMID: 38733585
doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114207
Submitted to SASBDB: 2023 May 22
Published in SASBDB:

SASDSG5 – Human MUC2 mucin CysD2 domain

Mucin-2 (CysD2 domain) experimental SAS data
Mucin-2 (CysD2 domain) Kratky plot
Sample: Mucin-2 (CysD2 domain) monomer, 16 kDa Homo sapiens protein
Buffer: 20 mM sodium phosphate, 70 mM NaCl, pH: 7.2
Experiment: SAXS data collected at EMBL P12, PETRA III on 2023 Mar 8
RgGuinier 2.5 nm
Dmax 9.3 nm
VolumePorod 31 nm3