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3 hits found for RNase E 603-850

SASDCY4RNase E 603-850

RNase E 603-850 experimental SAS data
RNase E 603-850 Rg histogram
Sample: RNase E 603-850, 30 kDa Escherichia coli ...ein
Buffer: ...erol (v/v), pH: 7.5
Experiment: SAXS data collected at SWING, ...EIL on 5
...e natively unstructured RNA/protein-recognition core in the Escherichia coli RNA degradosome and its interactions with regulatory RNA/Hfq complexes. ...eic Acids Res 46(1):387-402 (2018)
...e HA, Du D, Matak-Vinkovic D, Bandyra KJ, Broadhurst RW, Martin E, Sobott F, Shkumatov AV, Luisi BF
RgGuinier 5.3 nm
Dmax 27.5 nm
VolumePorod 139 nm3

SASDCZ4RNase E 603-850/ATP-dependent RNA helicase (RhlB) binary complex

RNase E 603-850ATP-dependent RNA helicase RhlB experimental SAS data
GASBOR model
Sample: RNase E 603-850, 30 kDa Escherichia coli ...ein
...ependent RNA helicase RhlB, 47 kDa Escherichia coli ...ein
Buffer: ...erol (v/v), pH: 7.5
Experiment: SAXS data collected at SWING, ...EIL on ...eb 11
...e natively unstructured RNA/protein-recognition core in the Escherichia coli RNA degradosome and its interactions with regulatory RNA/Hfq complexes. ...eic Acids Res 46(1):387-402 (2018)
...e HA, Du D, Matak-Vinkovic D, Bandyra KJ, Broadhurst RW, Martin E, Sobott F, Shkumatov AV, Luisi BF
RgGuinier 5.4 nm
Dmax 29.5 nm
VolumePorod 183 nm3

SASDC25RNase E 603-850/ATP-dependent RNA helicase (RhlB)/enolase ternary complex

RNase E 603-850ATP-dependent RNA helicase RhlBEnolase experimental SAS data
GASBOR model
Sample: RNase E 603-850, 30 kDa Escherichia coli ...ein
...ependent RNA helicase RhlB, 47 kDa Escherichia coli ...ein
Enolase, 91 kDa Escherichia coli ...ein
Buffer: ...erol (v/v), pH: 7.5
Experiment: SAXS data collected at SWING, ...EIL on 2014 Jul 16
...e natively unstructured RNA/protein-recognition core in the Escherichia coli RNA degradosome and its interactions with regulatory RNA/Hfq complexes. ...eic Acids Res 46(1):387-402 (2018)
...e HA, Du D, Matak-Vinkovic D, Bandyra KJ, Broadhurst RW, Martin E, Sobott F, Shkumatov AV, Luisi BF
RgGuinier 6.4 nm
Dmax 30.5 nm
VolumePorod 280 nm3