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2 hits found for Human Arpin

SASDBU2Human Arpin (isoform 1)

Human Arpin experimental SAS data
Human Arpin Kratky plot
Sample: Human Arpin monomer, 25 kDa Homo sapiens protein
Buffer: 50 mM HEPES 100mM NaCl 1mM TCEP, pH: 7.5
Experiment: SAXS data collected at SWING, SOLEIL on 2014 Dec 4
...Arpin Identifies Its Acidic Tail as a Primary Binding Epitope. Structure 24(2):252-60 (2016)
Fetics S, Thureau A, Campanacci V, Aumont-Nicaise M, Dang I, Gautreau A, Pérez J, Cherfils J
RgGuinier 2.6 nm
Dmax 13.2 nm
VolumePorod 47 nm3

SASDBX2 – ...Arpin in complex with the ankyrin repeat domains of human Tankyrase 2 (489-469)

Zebrafish arpin/human tankyrase 2 ankyrin repeat domain complex experimental SAS data
Zebrafish arpin/human tankyrase 2 ankyrin repeat domain complex Kratky plot
Sample: ...arpin/human tankyrase 2 ankyrin repeat domain complex monomer, 43 kDa Danio rerio / … protein
Buffer: 50 mM HEPES 100mM NaCl 1mM TCEP, pH: 7.5
Experiment: SAXS data collected at SWING, SOLEIL on 2014 Dec 4
...Arpin Identifies Its Acidic Tail as a Primary Binding Epitope. Structure 24(2):252-60 (2016)
Fetics S, Thureau A, Campanacci V, Aumont-Nicaise M, Dang I, Gautreau A, Pérez J, Cherfils J
RgGuinier 3.3 nm
Dmax 12.6 nm
VolumePorod 58 nm3